As COVID vaccinations continue to roll out, people have been asking us for recommendations. Although our scope of practice prevents California acupuncturists from advising individuals about their decision to receive the vaccine, we are deeply grateful to all who have helped create the highly effective vaccines.
While we acknowledge that many people might be hesitant about vaccinations, especially marginalized or oppressed groups who historically have been maltreated by the medical establishment, we wholeheartedly support our public health workers’ efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Unfortunately, vaccine alarmism is prevalent. The best way to remedy this is to proactively inform yourself. Speak to your physician if you have doubts or questions, or use reputable scientific sources to learn more. Here is one of the best ones we have found. Here is the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ page.
This self-care guide for vaccine pre- and after- care, is based on Chinese Medicine and other natural remedies.
Acupuncture can also ameliorate some side effects (but please stay home if you have any symptoms, such as fever, that do not pass our screening criteria).
All of our safety rules at the clinic remain in place regardless of anyone’s vaccination status.
All of Sarana’s acupuncturists have had or will receive the COVID vaccine and are willing (time-permitting) to answer questions about their personal experiences of the process.
Stay well and safe!