Community Acupuncture Links
- To locate community clinics around the country visit this map and/or this comprehensive spreadsheet. The resource is put together by West Philly Community Acupuncture.
- To find out more about how community acupuncture works and to learn about the community acupuncture movement, watch Community Acupuncture: the Calmest Revolution Ever Staged, a documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Brian Lindstrom. Also check out this video about community acupuncture produced in Maryland.
- How Community Clinics Can Transform Acupuncture – an article by Pam in the Winter 2008 issue of California Journal of Oriental Medicine includes many testimonials from clients and practitioners.
- This is a health show on KPFA radio about community acupuncture from the Fall of 2016.
- To learn more about our treatment approach and have many of your acupuncture-related questions answered check out Why Did You Put That Needle There by Andy Wegman of Manchester Acupuncture Studio. This practical no-nonsense little book is also available in printed form at Sarana, and the Spanish language version is here.
Other Helpful Resources
- Charlotte Maxwell Clinic in Oakland and San Francisco provides free acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Western herbs, homeopathy, massage, and therapeutic imagery to low-income women with cancer.
- Women’s Cancer Resource Center works to empower and support women with cancer through referrals and education, a resource library, workshops and classes, support groups, peer counseling and other services.
- Acupressure for ALL is a comprehensive illustrated guide for self-acupressure available as a public resource.