According to acupuncture theory, qi (pronounced chee), or life-energy, circulates throughout the body in fixed patterns, referred to as channels or meridians. Acupuncture needles help to regulate the flow of qi. Because qi travels all over the body, internally and externally, it is possible to treat problems in one part of the body by inserting needles in other areas of the body (also known as “distal needling”). Community Acupuncture is rooted in this strategy and that is how we can effectively treat conditions, even if we don’t use needles in the precise spot(s) affected by the condition.
After needle insertion, you may feel sensations indicating the awakening of qi flow. These have been described as warmth, heaviness, a slight ache, and even tingling or numbness. Many people report feeling deeply relaxed and elevated in spirit during and after receiving acupuncture.
Although western science has not been able to explain exactly how acupuncture works, many studies have shown that it DOES work effectively and that it has the ability to stimulate the body’s release of neurotransmitters. Acupuncture can be effective in treating many ailments, including (but not limited to): allergies, asthma, anxiety, arthritis, back pain, colds, cough, effects of chemotherapy, fatigue, fertility, headache, immune function, indigestion, irregular and painful menstruation, musculoskeletal injuries, numbness and tingling, skin problems, stress, and trauma.
Chinese Herbs
Our acupuncturists sometimes prescribe Chinese herbs as part of the overall treatment strategy. Chinese Herbs can be an excellent way to enhance the effectiveness of your acupuncture treatments. Traditionally, herbs are used to treat both the symptoms present and the underlying root of disharmony, according to an individualized diagnosis. Herbs are usually combined into formulas that enhance their effectiveness and Sarana keeps a wide variety of Chinese herbal formulas in stock, in tablet form. Herbal medicines are charged separately from acupuncture treatments and the cost of prepared tablets ranges from $12 to $20 for a 10-day supply, depending on the formula. If none of our tablet formulas is the right fit, we can special order formulas we don’t keep in stock.
The Chinese herbs and formulas we prescribe have been proven effective by thousands of years of practice and rigorously tested for safety in a modern setting. If you are interested in adding Chinese herbs to your treatment, you can check in with your acupuncturist. They may need additional information from you including dietary allergies and restrictions, as well as a list of your current medications — including any vitamins and/or supplements.
Additionally, we can create custom granule formulas to meet your specific needs. Custom formulas require a separate Herbal Consultation appointment, as the high-volume nature of our acupuncture appointments doesn’t allow for us to get the in-depth information necessary to craft a custom formula. For Herbal Consultations we charge our usual sliding scale ($30-60) and the appointment lasts about 30 minutes. These appointments can be virtual (via private Google Meet sessions) or in-person. If you’re interested in booking an in-depth Herbal Consultation, click here to add yourself to the waiting list and one of our practitioners will contact you within two days. Please note: not all of our practitioners provide Herbal Consultations.